Law & Order: American Jihad (2002)
Season 13, Episode 1
American Jihad (13.1) Season opener 2002.The Best of the Best
14 May 2006

I've been a loyal fan of Law and Order for many years and for the most part enjoyed all, with very few exceptions. However, by far this episode is was the "Best of the Best"!!!! I recognize that the subject matter is timely, as is the case with the greater majority L&O's work but this one had a much deeper quality and the lead guest was riveting.

I could see how a young person, without much of an identity,an aimless direction, and a need to be loved could turn to the pressures of extreme fanatic religion, once exposed, to give him a purpose in life. Having a son the same age as the episode's guest lead,who is away at college in New York, briefly gave me pause. In fact, I called him several times that week just to keep connected and have a sense that he wasn't becoming associated with these extremist groups.

I believe this is one of the most repeated episodes in L&O's history, based upon the several times I have seen it re-televised over the past few years. Maybe some number counter out there can verify my assumption.
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