Review of Time Lapse

Time Lapse (2001 Video)
Yes it's that bad
10 May 2006
Riddle: how do you make a good movie on a shoestring budget, with a worthless story line, an even worse screenplay adaptation, second class actors prompted to give third class performances, on surplus celluloid with no resolution or ability to render better than a gritty soundtrack of totally uninspired so-called music, with direction that totally misses what's going on, gets the sound wrong, the acting so totally inadequate and unbelievable - and which can still star Roy Scheider? Well Roy's the easy part: here's a talented actor who keeps getting these 'aces' and for all we know it's these turkeys he's got known for by now so he can't get any better.

But seriously: you know the feeling of fingernails on a blackboard? You've heard that one? Can you imagine what it feels like? The almost embarrassing discomfort of this Thanksgiving feast is far worse. You feel so sad for everyone and above all feel sorry for the total ineptitude of whoever the talentless people were who put this together.

Avoid this one at all costs and if your video outlet carries it - boycott them. No one should be subjected to this tripe.

Poor Roy. Poor everyone.
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