Silent Hill (1999 Video Game)
chilling to the bone
8 May 2006
I started playing silent hill about 4 jeers ago with a friend of mine. I had never hear of silent hill before but she told me the references where good and she said it seamed a really cool game to her. So we played it. The first silent hill we played was part 3, which I still find the best one. We played part 1 first, but we never finished it, because the graphics sucked. haha, no but the disk she had was not very good and we could not find it in any store, so. Then we played part 2 which was very cool. But I don't really think that it explains a lot about the history of silent hill. Which is not a big problem because they do this in part 3 and a bit in 4. Most of the story is about Henry himself. Weird it is. And a bit sad. After 2 we did not play silent hill for a long time. we played project zero and clock tower. Still, silent hill was always the best. Our luck could not run out when part 4 came out. really groovy. The story is even sicker than the others, but the ending is a bit vague. Why I Walter there when you killed him? A different time or reality? I don't now.

But since I played silent hill; - I hate subway stations. Never go in there. - I hate hospitals. And nurses. gross. - I am scared of people with long hair (including myself, haha) - Sometimes I get goosebumps even of looking at the TV. even when it is off.

And after playing 1, 2, 3 and part 4 we conclude; the creators of Silent Hill are crazy. And we love it.
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