Texas Ranch House (2006– )
Lady Macbeth at the O.K. Corral
4 May 2006
I guess I'm nerdy but I'll watch any of these shows. I'm also as feminist as anyone, moreso than some women, but no matter what the show's are titled, why do they all devolve into "Anti-historical feminist house?" Whether it's Mrs. Voorhees on Colonial House, or the whiny "I'm as good as any boy" Maura, it's the same old song.

Mrs Cooke is the major aggravation here; so stubborn that she can't understand that she's failing entirely to entertain viewers, inform them or provide anything to admire. She has one (modern) idea of how her intelligence should be channeled and accommodated and it's not happening for her. Without a Plan B, she bangs her head against the wall again and again; "Why am I not being included... Why was I not involved?" Because you're the biggest drag since RuPaul? Because you have major control issues in any century? What junky brand of feminism is it that only consists of post-neglect nagging? Supply a scenario and Mrs. Cooke will only be aware of what her personal needs are and her preconceived notions of how respect is properly performed, w/o concern for what effects she's actually having. Having done nothing, she nonetheless has insinuated herself into the center of all interactions, but it's not in some shrewd way you could admire. As a negative force she's easily reached the magnitude of impact she dreams of having via her own more ego-pleasing criteria. Mrs Cooke complements a weak mind with an intrusive presence and rapidly turns this into the least enjoyable of the 5 series I've seen.

My favorite moment so far was the Cooke womens proud, goofy (history-repairing) decision to set up the best table finery for the Comanches (!) who came over to tell them they'd kidnapped a man, stole two horses and made them accept a swindle. I laughed my butt off at the lopsided values that forced etiquette, of all things, into the foreground, only to be slapped down by the crude directness of the old west.

The next lamest moment concerns the time-travel of modern democratic ideals to the frontier: Maura whined and sulked until she got some horse training*, then concluded in last night's episode; "I don't even want to do it anymore. It's become a hassle..." or something. I just rolled my eyes thinking 'only the lazy and undeserving toss away a concession after nagging their peers into accommodating them.' That sends a terrific message. It's followed by a conflict with Robby telling her he doesn't appreciate her disrespect, and Maura interrupting to say she felt disrespected too. Try that next time your boss is giving you some negative feedback. It's not an encounter group.

Even leaving Mrs. Cooke aside, I can't fathom how a participant might ever reach the usual humbling conclusion, "Life is easier in the modern world," if he or she refuses to be humbled, or move outside their comfort zone. When your motivation is "I'm going to force everyone to meet me where I am," there's very little for a new-rancher to learn and just as little for a viewer to enjoy. There seems to be no reason to go on the show.

I love the idea of these shows. I hate the stupid gender-bickering they've turned into. The casting people need to better inform these women that it will be historically accurate, so the shows can become something other than women laying waste to the show's concept. Tiresome.

(* also not entertaining)
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