Review of Serenity

Serenity (2005)
This best little sci-fi that people aren't watching.
3 May 2006
I was recommend this movie by a friend of mine. He kept saying how it was one of his favorite movies of all time. I personally had never seen the original show "Firefly", which shares the same creator, so I didn't know what to expect. What I got was totally different.

This movie, though not on my instant classics list, is still an incredibly enjoyable movie for people who like science fiction or don't. In fact, you can't really say it's just sci-fi. It's a sci-fi, a western and an action film all blend into one, sprinkled with a touch of comedy within (it's actually pretty funny in a generally deadpan way).

What makes the movie so good is its originality. From the humor to the production design to the plot development, this film is a one of a kind movie. My only complaint on this part, however, is that the originality will seem kind of awkward and bizarre and certain points, like some of the ships used by the Reavers (pretty much a savage version of the Klingon's from Star Trek).

The acting, despite having no truly recognizable stars other than Alan Tudyk, is quite good. Nathan Fillon is great as a Han Solo meets tormented space marine captain of the title ship, bringing good action sequences and dry humor to the screen. The standout, however, is Summer Glau as River Tam, a mentally unstable young girl transformed to become a killing machine.

The story is packed with wit, humor, and interesting characters. The plot is constantly moving, throwing twists and turns into your train of thought just as you think you figured it out. That said and done, some may find this confusing, since it seems like Joss Whedon wants you to feel confused by the intellect laced in the dialog.

The technical aspects of Serenity are quite impressive. The music is an interesting mix of sci-fi and western scores. The sound, from the Reavers' roars to the weapons on the ships, are all interesting and, at points, kind of funny. The visuals are amazing, immersing the viewers in the details of the ships and space. The cinematography, on the other hand, may feel a bit awkward at points. It's not bad, quite impressive mostly, but the hand-held-like zooming in space and sometimes TV show-ish look may make the film feel strange.

Don't let any of my negative comments deter you from this film. This is definitely recommended to any sci-fi fan. You won't regret it.
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