Review of RV

RV (2006)
Better than Its Reputation
30 April 2006
I take my younger daughter to the movies every Friday night, along with another dad and his girl. The movies are chosen to be kid friendly. and so 'RV'was selected. This particular evening the other dad's girl friend was with us.

The adults were resigned to a glum two hours of tedium, but - surprise! Surprise!! - it turned out to be kinda fun. No one will confuse it with Citizen Kane, but it was lively, funny, and not at all boring. It is obviously a pay check movie for everyone involved - but they are all solid professionals and deliver the goods. I was particularly interested that Kristin Chenoweth, the Broadway star, was in the cast.

Sp we had a good time with this movie, which is really all you ever ask on Friday night. The entire case does an ensemble version of 'Route 66' over the closing credits, which is worth staying for.
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