Sopranos Review: Episode 70 "Mr. and Mrs. John Sacrimoni's Request'
28 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Written by: Terence Winter

Directed by: Steve Buscemi

It seems as though whenever Steve Buscemi directs an episode it's something new and different and exciting. This episode is no different. 'Mr. and Mrs. John Sacrimoni's Request' isn't the best Sopranos episode, but it's one of the most unique and quirky of the season. The mean, nasty, Johnny Sack has requested to be let out of prison for a period of six hours to attend his oldest daughter's, Allegra, or how Tony refers to her from the moment she was born 'a 50 lb. bundle of Joy', wedding. At the wedding things heat up, like Johnny Sack requesting Tony to do a hit on Rusty Millio a.k.a. The Mayor of Munchkin City (played by Four Seasons' Frankie Vallie). There is gossip around the wedding at Sack and Tony since he just got out of the hospital. Johnny Sack's guards get belligerent and take him away early and Sack bursts into tears, stirring up the theory he's nothing but a pussy. Tony gets a new bodyguard and beats the crap out of him to prove he isn't weak since his accident. I found everything at the wedding quirky, but I felt it didn't go into depths with this season's main plot-lines, and that kind of frustrated me. The best part about the episode was the ending where Tony, after beating the crap out of his bodyguard, throwing up in Satriale's bathroom then staring at himself in the mirror with a fierce look on his face as if he's thinking to himself, "You still got it, you mean son of a bitch." This episode was very entertaining, but not one of the best episodes. My Rating: 8.5/10


Episode 69: 'The Fleshy Part of the Thigh' - 8/10 ; Episode 68: 'Mayham' - 9/10 ; Episode 67: 'Join the Club' - 7.5/10 ; Episode 66: 'Members Only' - 8.5/10
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