Unit One: Assistancemelding A-05/03, del 2 (2004)
Season 4, Episode 2
Deserving Finale
28 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
All the old favorites are reunited for this gritty crime drama, anchored in reality. At least the original concept of the show had character and plot based on actual events. The characters have matured, and with all living things, must move on. From my Australian vantage point, I do not know if the specific details of this episode are real, but if so, then the disbanding of this group is little short of criminal ..

The point guy (well, girl) is effective and prepared to risk looking bad to achieve ends, as can be seen in the extended opening sequence. The adrenaline junkie gets beaten up and comes back for more. The big bear is in a parlous way and his lover is in a family way. Politicos are very bad, so that I don't know why any democracy allows them.

The passed over cop still has press links and the pollie liaison is retiring .. one day soon. The psychic is both respected and ignored. Agamemnon's wife would be jealous ..
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