Great, funny, and ridiculous (in the good ways!) documentary
27 April 2006
What a wonderful, warm, funny, and utterly ridiculous documentary look at the Gypsy town of Shutka in Macedonia! Reminiscent of the great Kusturica's gypsy films, it's filled with even more ridiculous characters - yet, it is no work of fiction; according to the director, everything it depicts is completely true! Shot in a town located outside Skopje in Macedonia that was built right on the former city dump ("shut" = waste in Roma) and populated by seemingly absolutely nutty but life-loving people, it reminded me of both the Soviet towns on the provincial outskirts - in reality, and another great Czech documentary, "Czech Dream" - on celluloid. There must be something about the Czech documentary movie making that's making it more interesting to watch than 90% of fiction movies out there.

It was funny to see a couple of guys - particularly squeamish audience members - walk out of the theater when a cow slaughter, by the old method, knife under the skull, was briefly shown. I guess people prefer to think beef comes from the supermarket shelves...
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