Review of Ghost Rock

Ghost Rock (2003)
Could end up a cult movie
21 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know exactly why I like this movie.Maybe I have a soft spot for shoestring Indies.The dialog is hokey,but the idea is a good one.There's plenty of action and enough gunfighting to take you back to the old westerns where each gun held a box full of lead.I really enjoyed the martial arts.....yes you saw right,martial arts.The stunt work is well choreographed and the boys earn their pay. The eye candy is there...for both sexes.The movie trys,it really does.It's a brave effort, and I'm a sucker for ghost stories.It's not War and Peace,but a good way to spend a couple of hours on a rainy night.Grab some chips and dips and Enjoy!
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