Review of Family

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Family (1990)
Season 4, Episode 2
It's about family.
20 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
ST:TNG:78 - "Family" (Stardate: 44012.3) - this is the 2nd episode (to air) of the 4th season of Star Trek: The Next Generation, though it is the 4th episode to go into production.

After the tumultuous events of "The Best Of Both Worlds", the Enterprise and her crew need to recuperate. While the Enterprise docks in Earth orbit to undergo repairs, Picard and crew take time off to visit family.

For Riker and Troi, it's to visit an old romantic spot in Angel Falls, Venezuela.

For Worf, his human parents come to see him because of his dishonor in "Sins Of The Father", only to greet a distant Worf who is uncomfortable with them being there.

For Wesley, it's to meet his father Jack (in the Original Series Star Trek movies uniform) in the form of a hologram made at the time Wesley was 10 months old.

And for Picard, he goes back to the French village where he grew up - to meet his estranged brother Robert (played by Jeremy Kemp) who has a disdain for technology and the future (unlike his captain brother) and also to meet his wife and nephew (a nephew we will see again in Star Trek: Generations along with the mention of Robert and wife).

This is truly a unique TNG episode, in that it's "down to earth".

Trivia note: this episode is the only time you don't see the Enterprise Bridge in all of TNG. You won't see the Picard family vineyard again until "All Good Things . . ." And, Guinan (played by Whoopi Goldberg) asks Worf's parents why they never introduced him to prune juice (referring to her introduction of the drink to Worf in "Yesterday's Enterprise)!
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