Hyams at his worst - and that's pretty terrible.
17 April 2006
Why is this joke of a director still allowed to make movies? With this stupid, poorly made B movie he hits rock bottom. Hard.

"Capricorn One", "2010", "Sudden Death", "Timecop", "End of Days", and now this! It's really amazing that's it's possible to have such a track record and still be able to raise funds for the next piece of garbage. One should think that the producers would have smelled the rat by now, but no: Some schmuck unleashed Hyams on yet another sci fi classic: Ray Bradbury's shot story "A Sound of Thunder".

Everything about this movie is bad. The dialog is lame, the storyline messed up. But the effects are even lamer than the other lame stuff. Example: When the actors walk around in the streets the computer graphics behind them look like something I did on my Amiga 10 years ago. They are so obviously walking on a tread mill in front of a screen.

Hyams: Please quit. Find a day job and stop this nonsense. You should've realized after making the miserable failure of "Capricorn One" that this movie business is for professionals.
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