Meteorites! (1998 TV Movie)
16 April 2006
Bland, unexciting sci-fi thriller that spawned from my beloved uncle's wardrobe of horrible movies he got for free from work. A small American city is threatened by a huge storm of meteorites. Less people die from the actual meteor shower than from their own severe incompetence and ability to screw everything up.

Obviously the movie's budget was too low to film any scenes of asteroid carnage, so instead the film trails off from the main subject of mass destruction and focuses on the lives and times of our ugly main characters, a couple of thieves, and the upcoming redneck festival...(wtf?) What we're left with is one final scene where all the good guys hide in a cave while the space rocks rain down outside. With no casualties at all. That's how bland this movie is.

The funniest scene occurs during the end. Panic has broken out in the streets and we find our hero, the typical American Dad, trapped in his own hospital with electrified water covering the floor. American Dad's screw-up assistant #1 tries to jump from a table to the window despite screw-up assistant #2's cries in protest, which results in a major electrocution which somehow transforms screw-up assistant #1 into a pair of smoking shoes.

Worth a couple of laughs but much too stupid and uninteresting for its own good. Watch only if you have too much time on your hands (like, if you're trapped in a cave for six hours). Otherwise, avoid at all costs.(r#13)
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