Undisciplined cuteness; where's Brooks when you need him?
12 April 2006
Eyesore comic farce has detective Sherlock Holmes throwing his brother a bone and letting him solve baffling blackmail case in foggy London. Gene Wilder, who wrote, directed and stars, obviously needed some restraint; when Wilder doesn't have a director or co-hort like Mel Brooks to help level his excesses, he can be too much to take. Wilder has enough vitality and ingenuity for three people, but he's undisciplined and doesn't know when to hold back. As a director, he allows his own scenes to go too far, and apparently didn't encourage the editor to trim the chafe. In this context, it is amazing that Marty Feldman and Madeline Kahn get much to do, yet they each have some funny scenes--however, Feldman's eye-shtick is over-used and Kahn's showy scenes, such as her sequence in a music-hall, are botched by bad photography, timing and staging. Wilder never seems to know where to put the camera, and "Smarter Brother" ends up looking sloppy. ** from ****
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