G.I. Joe: The Movie (1987 Video)
GIJOE rules COBRA rules more!
12 April 2006
I am a major fan of all parts of GI JOE from the 80's. The characters were all enjoyable. The villains were superb. The team I led to battle couldn't have been a more watchable mix. With weaknesses to both Joe's and Cobra's it was all about the teamwork to overcome the other side. While some people say this show was nothing more than propaganda to rid the world of "evil" powers.. I think the show somewhat brought a pride to the American Army and gave kids like me something to satisfy the urge to have guns, tanks, explosions, animal sidekicks, crazy super weapons, ridiculous vehicles with way to many missiles and lasers.. Yes this show, the figures, the movie.. everything about it rocked.. How many times did you and your friends pool all your Joe's and vehicles together for a major super war.. The only thing is..Just once they should make Cobra win one time in something!! I have feelings too. PS Serpentor is a Loser! Yeah!
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