Welcome back Klingons
11 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
ST:TNG:20 - "Heart Of Glory" (Stardate: 41503.7) - this is the first The Next Generation episode to deal with Worf's history and his Klingon heritage. It mentions how he came to be on the Enterprise - that of the Khitomer massacre which a child Worf was one of the survivors - he was rescued by a human who raised him along with his wife and son (his foster parents and brother will be seen in future episodes). This is also the episode that made use of Geordi's visor as a camera as he boards a ship full of Klingons - ironically it would be used by Klingons in Star Trek: Generations to view into the Enterprise. Also the peace of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country is the key ingredient in this episode, since these Klingons say that the peace subverted their warrior instincts. And, the Romulans are mentioned here - is a foreshadowing for the 1st season closing episode "The Neutral Zone". Trivia: a nice homage to Jerry Goldsmith's Klingon theme can be heard throughout the episode.
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