The director talks!
11 April 2006
Kevin Smith is a talented writer and director. His films resonate with young people because he is a man who doesn't care to speak about whatever comes into his mind. This documentary, taped during some of his appearances at different universities, clearly shows how Mr. Smith and his audiences bond because he speaks their language.

The adoring fans are seen rapt in what their idol has to say. He is a man that doesn't b.s. these kids and therefore gains their trust from the moment he first opens his mouth. What comes out of that mouth is some of the funniest and most irreverent talk one has heard in presentations such as these.

Kevin Smith is not shy in telling his anecdotes about his experiences with the higher ups of the movie industry that don't seem to tame him, in spite of their efforts to tempt him to come to their side. Never fear, it appears unlikely this funny man would ever cross that line.
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