Kavanagh QC: In God We Trust (1997)
Season 3, Episode 6
a uniquely bad episode
7 April 2006
sadly this is a uniquely bad episode. John Thaw is a great mystery leading man, but unfortunately the writers have heaped on this episode all the stereotypical US southern justice problems, i.e. death penalty, wrongful conviction, biases, racists, etc. The trial and appeals are badly flawed and give the appearance that US death sentences are rush to judgment affairs with limited appeals and shoddy workmanship by all. This may have been true many decades ago but in the last 10-20 years ago it just doesn't work like that.

sad for such a good actor and generally good scripts. i highly recommend all the rest of this series as portraying the real problems of the criminal bar and criminal trials. never fun. it is always difficult to make sure justice is done.
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