Review of Loaded

Loaded (1994)
90mins of your life you will never get back
3 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I got this film as from the box it looked interesting and was cheap! On the front it says 'Seven Friends Are Getting Away for the Weekend... And one is getting away with MURDER!!'.

I've ticked the 'contains spoiler' box but the spoiler is nothing really happens. Seven annoying people stay at a big house in the country (owned by a relative of one of the group) to make a truly awful horror movie. Unfortunately, the actual movie is even worse and we listen to these annoying people having what they think is deep and meaningful conversation but is just plain dull. You keep watching waiting for something exciting to happen and after an hour nothing has. I was just about to switch it off when one of the group gets run down on his motorbike in accident with a car driven by another one of the group. This happens while they are on an acid trip. They then bury him, well, they cover him in leaves in the woods nearby but by the next morning when they have recovered they cannot find him? The guy who was driving when the accident occurred eventually agrees to call the police and then we cut to see the guy is dead in the woods and then the credits roll and that is it. That's the film. It's so bad that you should stop reading this review and get on with your life.
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