A great movie to see
31 March 2006
I thought this was a very interesting movie. I believe they should do a re-make of this movie. With the graphics we have now this would be a hit. I hope Hollywood does not let this movie collect dust and be forgotten. Someone please clean off the dust and at least put the movie on DVD even if they don't do a re-make. Young people will truly get an eye opener off this one. With our society changing so fast and so much, it's time for a reality check. I am sure in this day and time this movie will cause great controversy but facts are facts. Who really wants to go to hell. Not I. I can hardly stand the heat in South Florida. After seeing this movie, it changed my whole perspective about life and who I wanted to be in charge of my life. I can certainly tell you that I definitely want to be in heaven with the Lord and not in the burning hell with the devil.
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