Review of First Morning

First Morning (2003)
Excellent drama with a tremendous final thought...
2 April 2006
Victor Vu's First Morning is an outstanding drama detailing the struggles of a young Vietnamese girl and her family as they flee communist Vietnam in search of a new life in the United States. Although she projects as excessively boring in the beginning, Kathleen Luong (Linh) is very convincing in her role and the viewer soon discovers the hidden reasons behind her shy and timid character. While the story line may appear to be typical to some, the film does serve to highlight various cultural differences, many of which are unknown to people outside the Vietnamese American community. If nothing else, the viewer should come away with a renewed appreciation and understanding of the hardships of being a first generation Vietnamese American.

Although the final message has been used time and time again in various stage settings, it is a message that should be repeated for ages to come.

Highly recommended.
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