Inside Man (2006)
Chaiya Chaiya the biggest event of this film
2 April 2006
OK, I LOVE the actors, like the director.. but there are HOLES in this story bigger than Mr. Ed's nostrils. As in, how did Clive Owen's character know about the bank founder being involved with the Nazis? The whole purpose (it seems) of Jodie Foster's character was to indicate how secretive this information was.. so how did Clive have access to it? How come the guy who played the mayor swore like a 5 year old child knowing he was going to get in trouble for it later? (horrible scene that one he calls her the C-word). I had "where's my fast forward button" on this more than 5 times which means the pacing was really off - Chaiya Chaiya got me all pumped but then for some reason because of the obvious ties to India, I kept expecting the security guard with the turban to have some pivotal brain child of the whole thing revelation? Nope. Just a killer song in the wrong movie. The rest of the score was like... I can't even remember it. If you ask me a week from now about this film, I'll start singing that awesome song but the plot was BLAH. I like a good humanitarian "go kick ass on the evil Nazi-dealing old guy" theme as much as anybody but really... how about a smart plot?
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