Just Ask My Children (2001 TV Movie)
This is not a conservative/liberal issue
31 March 2006
One reviewer here had the gall (not to mention the ignorance) to confuse this hysteria with conservative politics. For one thing, the whole fear of pedophilia has been drilled into the minds of ordinary people by the hysteria-provoking media. It is also driven by the politics of the left as well as the right. The left's guilt in this is the constant drumbeat about "the children." According to the left, "the children" are always in peril. The right is complicit in being stone-faced and relentless in the pursuit of imaginary miscreants who have done nothing wrong. They are too willing to believe the worst. But the left set the stage with one simple idea: 'children don't lie.' This one concept drove the legal issue in most of these cases which took place in the '80's.

The idea of total innocence in children is not a conservative idea at all. Quite the opposite. Conservatives believe that right and wrong have to be explained, and doing right is a process of learning. It is not innate. This is the bedrock of conservative philosophy. But in the case of the McMartins and the Amiraults and many other cases, the children were deliberately manipulated by people - "facilitators" - whose agenda had nothing to do with politics and everything to do with power and the limelight.

This film is one of the best ever made about this sad chapter. A power-hungry DA more than willing to prosecute, and women, for the most part, more than willing to harass and intimidate children into saying things that they knew were wrong. Many of these women had absolutely no formal training and had no degrees in child psychology. Yet they were entrusted with the job of indoctrination on the lowest most vile level. This film enraged me all over again at the towering injustice done this and many other families. What the prosecution did was the real child abuse here.
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