Pretty Solid TV Film
30 March 2006
This was a made-for-Australia TV movie made back in the mid-'80s, a film that runs just over three hours. I liked it and found very few lulls in it, although, it could have been trimmed down a bit. I'm sorry I traded in my tape years ago because I assume it's nearly impossible to find a copy nowadays, at least outside Australia.

What I remember most about this film, and I am writing this about 15 years after last seeing it, is the driving beat of the music. It's very repetitive but it works and adds suspense to the story. I remember the miles of desolate country in which much of the long adventure tale takes place. It painted an interesting picture of the big desert area that, I believe, is in the middle of the country.

John Waters was excellent as the lead in the film, playing the villain of the story. You keep guessing how is this guy going to get it in the end, which he surely must. It's good suspense and a film I gather not many of us in North America know about. Maybe we'll get lucky and someone will produce a DVD of this.
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