Loved the tremendous scene of the 2nd wedding
27 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
No big spoilers, but a few very small ones.

Someone mentioned that they didn't like the movie due to making Pakastanis out to be bad guys. They didn't understand the movie. The hero actually catches a Pakastan flag and honors it, stating openly that his problem was with the terrorists, NOT the people of the country. One of the side characters does insult a Pakastani at the end of the movie, but he's just in character - he was rebuked earlier by the male hero for his hard heart.

I am new to Bollywood films, so I can't compare it to others. But I was amazed by how much was in this movie. It's an event. Hollywood would have probably made Part 1 and Part 2 instead -- but I guess that's what Bollywood does, it "gives you your money's worth".

The second wedding scene was great. To spend over an hour deepening a love story, only to have the one tear and other details in this scene, was very moving. The bracelet, the slight shaking of the brides head when getting the bracelet, the eye movements of the bride after the big dance, ...

To enjoy this movie, don't think too hard. Yes, it has incredible one-in-a-billion coincidences. Just ignore it, and go on. Lots of action, a deep love story, some crafty plots, and some catchy tunes. I've seen far worse!

Oh, and if you are from the West, be warned. It's all about Muslim sensibilities, and to a lesser extent Hindu. Christians don't exist, nor do some western sensibilities. For example, there is a arrogance/pride song, where the hero (a spy) tries to impress others in his Islamic faith - much different from Christian virtue of humility, as it is all about his human strength in keeping external rules.

It's great to see virtue and purity and virginity so greatly honored.
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