Review of Caribe

Caribe (2004)
Oil on the water ...
27 March 2006
...or Soap on the Beach.

What we have here is a love triangle between Vincente, his wife Abigail and her long-lost sister Irene. And then we have the tale of the American oil company preparing to despoil Costa Rica's fishing grounds, beaches and tourist economy in exchange for a few low-paying jobs.

From the moment Maya Zapata arises in the morning, turning her snow-white panties to the camera, we know this isn't going to end well (no pun initially intended). She and Vincente fall in lust, with Vincente being unable to decide between the women in his life. This plot moves predictably, with one very nice beach/lightning storm scene and a lovely lecture of Vincente by his cook Marva about "You've got to decide!...chicken or fish?!). No spoilers, but I wasn't satisfied with this story's resolution.

The bulk of the oil story must be on the cutting room floor, as it's given short shrift as far more than a minor plot element and far less than a plot. This story is based on actual Costa Rican history and worth looking at.

Neither story is done justice here. It's too bad Senor Ramirez didn't make two movies; I would have loved a documentary about the oil.
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