Review of Being Cyrus

Being Cyrus (2005)
New age Indian cinema has barged in
26 March 2006
Well, guys bar is getting higher with each such movie, each new-comer bend on out-beating the last one; more importantly film-watchers are getting more intelligent, with better film sense; so you filmmakers of yester-years better watch out and get serious on film-making, else there won't be much of masses left in few more years to tolerate all the crap you have been feeding them. 10 years ago, no one would have even believed bollywood to be capable to come up with such a movie (or may i say even 5 years). Last few years have been a revelation for the Indian cinema. it has come up with lot of experimental ideas - some of the most novel ideas ever presented. Parallel cinema is getting closer to the commercial cinema - i am waiting for the day, when there won't even exist terms like that. Multiplexes in India are lot to credit for that, giving opportunity to creativity, which have been able to create a niche of such audience, who support these movies. Now you Indians can recommend your non-Indian friends with a bollywood movie.

A 90 minutes movie, in English, with no songs, not an iota of emotions being presented (in whatsoever relation possible between the characters - well this is, I would say even worse than reality). I won't rate it as an all time great movie, but definitely its nice, well made and deserves at least a one time watch. Well, when you pick such power-packed performers in one movie, you have fair chances of getting it all right (unless you overdo your characters) and you are definitely gonna come with an "above-average" movie. In all it must take a lot of guts for the first time director to execute such a different idea and that too while working with such a great performers - undoubtedly, some of the best in the Indian cinema.

The plot has been very good and very well executed, with suspense hanging in there right till the end.. moods swinging serious to comedy ... black comedy to say the least, exploring the various human relations... I would not delve into more details of the movie, lest it costs into divulging the suspense of movie, but watchers be better ready for shock at the turn of events in the movie, when some seemingly unassuming characters reveal their true faces and others with dark side get even more darker.. totally unpredictable movie.

Dubutante director has given a stellar performance, he himself must had had a hell of time dealing with expectations of such great actors. Saif Ali Khan need not prove himself anymore, he had played so many versatile roles in last few years. The guy is getting better with each performance and he is one of the most reliable and bankable actors. In his generation, except Aamir Khan, he gives run for money to all others in bollywood. Naseer plays a sculptor, who now lives in obscurity, is hooked more to pot than anything else, spends his life along with his all day hallucinations. Dimple Kapadia is quite convincing in her slutty wife role. Boman Irani, the only parsi in real life is also the most convincing of all. Rest of the crew is also pretty good.
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