Ultraviolet (2006)
Best for preteen boys
25 March 2006
From the film's poster, I could fathom what kind of film this is. But being the only girl in my gang of cinema-goer friends, I tagged along anyway. And indeed it was exactly what I thought it would be: a 'nifty' prolonged intro of an action video-game.

The story line is no more complicated than those of video games, and somehow the characters and emotional bonds between them are just as flat. I'm not saying the acting is bad, especially Jovovich's, but there's just so much to act on - practically nothing. The film-makers imagination of this logic-defying futuristic world is childishly 'cool', but it's nothing at all scientific or believable for anyone over 12. And 'realistic' would be the last word I use to describe this film, so I won't even go into that. As I sat there through the mind numbing action sequences, one following another, I kept thinking: what a male fantasy flick this is...

And sadly that's the best part of the film. Ultraviolet is exemplary hot and sexy, and she blatantly exploits that with midriff-baring tight outfits. Jovovich did the action sequences very good too, and looked very good all through the film. This would work better as a visual leaf of her modelling portfolio than it does as a film.

And, although this created world is pretty cool for what it is, some visual effects look a bit rough, making it even less believable than it already is. In every sci-fi film it's necessary to make a 'believable' world albeit very different than our own, with its own logic and all, but this film can't even do that. At least, I wasn't convinced; I wasn't taken into the world for the duration of the film.

But hey, it was everything I expected. And it's not that bad for being what it is. Preteen boys would enjoy this most, I reckon.
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