Review of Postpartum

The Shield: Postpartum (2006)
Season 5, Episode 11
Have you ever "felt" a television show?
24 March 2006
I will not spoil this episode or this season for you. This is just a note from one fan to hopefully another! I started watching this show in it's third season, and I had a lot of fun catching up on the first and second seasons while I waited for the fourth, I urge you to do the same. Rent them one at a time if you have to, but please start with season one, episode one.

Fans of this show have different opinions on how we feel about it's characters, it's plot-lines, it's recent direction. One thing that many of us agree on is that we never believed that a television show could reach out and grab you this way, until The Shield.

The Shield is not for the faint of heart, and don't let them kid you, it is not just a cop drama, it's something else. There aren't many television shows, or movies, or actors that I have a respect for, as in they really spoke to me and made me feel something. The Color Purple is one movie that has, just as an example. And everything about this show gives me that feeling, I cannot tell that anybody is acting and for that hour, I am lost. You cannot reach me.

I had to sit down and write a few lines about the show that I and so many others love (also speaking for my sister and b/f) especially after this episode. I watched it Tuesday night, and tonight again, and for the last 20 minutes, the second time I watched it, I shook...again. I sat and shook for 20 minutes, and when the credits rolled, I had to get up and take a walk.

I might be ashamed to admit this, had it ever happened before, but I'd rather look at it as a compliment to everyone involved with this show.
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