Review of Zoo Parade

Zoo Parade (1950–1957)
Who could forget Marlin Perkins?
22 March 2006
My dad, who was a lover of science though he had little formal education, and I watched "Zoo Parade" whenever possible on Sunday afternoons in the early 1950's. Later in the 1960's with a much bigger budget Zoo Parade became "Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom." Marlin would then have a partner, Jim Fowler, who did all the messy work for him while he stayed a safe distance away. He lectured to those at home about whatever animal Jim was wrestling, sometimes in what appeared to be a life or death struggle. Johnny Carson, often having Jim as a guest, would joke, "While Jim is being eaten by an alligator I would like to tell you about its mating habits." Though more exciting and on location, it still lacked the magic and innocence of the early show from the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago.

Marlin Perkins reminded one of a spic-and-span Wally Cox but seemed to be a virtual fountain of information about the animals featured on the show each week. My favorite shows were those when snakes would be the guests. I recall that in those days without Jim around, Marlin actually displayed the animals by holding them, unless there was a safety problem. As I remember Mutual of Omaha was his sponsor from the beginning. The program was educational and Marlin Perkins' personality made it entertaining as well.
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