Clever film that avoids cliché's and heavy handed religious overtones
21 March 2006
I watched this film last night with a friend who also appreciates "Exorcist" style films and horror movies; neither one of us had heard of the film previously.

I was pleasantly surprised by the way it avoids all the usual religious and moralistic pitfalls; telling people what they should believe in and chastising anyone who doesn't pray regularly...Instead the agnostic defence lawyer played by Laura Linney, is gradually exposed to reasonable doubt herself: over the guilt of her client and his whole system of belief and right/wrong ; good versus evil. It is a clever story of how even selfish and self motivated people still do the right thing where innocence has been made to suffer and/or die, going as far as to portray death to those who try to take the stand and testify against the devil (that poor Psychiatrist)! After seeing all this coincidental evidence over the course of the trial, leading toward the only possible explanation that there are supernatural forces waging war on earth with the lives of all us minions held in the balance, she cannot help but pursue an honourable course of action.

Another underrated and excellent performance by Laura Linney (gorgeous to boot); demonstrating good acting and a believable character change arc resulting in a quietly spoken modern suspense film, that probably dips down under your radar.

Having neither the violence or gratuitous gore of many horror/suspense films; it is one that most of the family can enjoy, and Christians etc will especially enjoy the moral drama aspect of the fathers' plight.

Rent this film & you wont be disappointed.
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