Way Too Many Too's In Here
19 March 2006
Steven Spielberg wants to make memorable movies. Well.. he succeeded again! Only this time I'm being a bit cynical.

Normally Steven grants me heaps of enjoyment with the larger part of his curriculum but with A.I. he really missed just about every chance to make something out of it. He wanted to create a modern fairytale, but if this one was told to me as bedtime story I would have had nightmares.

For me there are too many "too's" here: too long too boring too much aimed at tear-jerking too much showing off know-how on the technical side too much overacting by Haley Joel Osment who single-handedly kills the entire movie too unbelievable too much sidetracking from the story and I can go on like this for half an hour.... The only reason I still give it 1 out of 10 is that visually it is really good (which is only sticking out because the rest is so bad)

Getting back to Haley Joel Osment (who in my opinion is the biggest reason for my disliking this flick) Haley Joel Osment is a very good actor; "The Sixth Sense" being a mayor breakthrough, and to give another example, I really enjoyed him in "Secondhand Lions". The problems with H.J. is that HE KNOWS he's a good actor. This gets in his way as I think that he wants to show everyone how good he is (it's probably his youth). In "A.I." this leads to overacting which in my case has led to a lot of toilet visits... and stomach emptying.

Sorry y'all, but that's my verdict.
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