14 yrs later...
18 March 2006
OK first question: Why now, 14 years later, make a sequel?? I was surprised when I first heard about this movie and was almost angry that they would even attempt to do a simi-sequel to the original. Which by the way, no where near attempt successful. No where near the original. I loved "The Cutting Edge" (92) In fact it is still one of my favorite movies. MK and DB had wonderful chemistry. I barely watched this 'new version' movie but felt compelled to comment. Not a big fan of KCR at least not the new one. 'Even Stevens' yes, this, no. And Ross? Cute and I can swear I have seen him before...but that is neither here nor there. And whoever is playing Kate Moseley...ummm, what???????? I just find this movie barely 'ok'
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