Review of A Breath

A Breath (2004)
Maudlin, Schmaltzy
18 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is a slow moving film which is good if you have time to kill or want to get indoors in a climate controlled environment.

There are so many details that the story really drags. How much time do we need to spend on who is going to tell the little boy about his prognosis? In this movie, the answer appears to be forever! This film is too much like life rather than focusing on being entertainment.

Grandpa seems worried all the time so I would have had more empathy if his character would have had more depth. (Does he happen to have any more facial expressions at his disposal?) The kid is portrayed as a brat in many scenes. My sympathy was stretched thin at liking his character. The Social Worker appears to have recently graduated from the school of overacting--summa cum laude. The Doctor is likable. Although why the script won't let him tell the kid about his diagnosis in the first place is beyond me.

The story is rather maudlin. At the end many women in our audience were crying. I couldn't feel the empathy because the story had numbed me.

The cultural insights are: when you bob your head left to right that indicates "yes" (as opposed to up and down), "BaBa" means grandfather, people are shown everywhere which one expects in a country with the second highest population in the world.

A few realistic twists or turns would have made the time seem to pass quicker.

Continuity problems: operating in the evening after spending the day seeing the sights—what about the anesthesia and the boy's stomach contents? The doctor puts on his gloves in his office—what about the sterile field? (So now how are you going to get me to fly to India and have surgery?)
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