My Name Is Earl (2005–2009)
Finally, an original sitcom
17 March 2006
I have been waiting lo these many years since "Get a Life" was canceled for another original sitcom to watch. Just as I despaired that all there was ever gonna be from now until the end of the world were fat husband/hot wife family shows and cookie-cutter workplace shows, some genius came up with "My Name Is Earl."

What amazes me most about this show is that while it is pretty outrageous and somewhat politically incorrect, it also manages to be sweet, without coming anywhere near to hitting you over the head. I can't think of another show, sitcom or not, that has such a deft touch.

The casting is brilliant -- everyone is exactly the right person for the role. My favorite is the well-meaning, pitifully dopey Randy, who has at least three side-splitting lines per show.
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