San Quentin (1937)
"Well Jamieson, there's your new Army."
15 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Warner Brothers got a lot of mileage out of films offering social commentary and reflecting on the ills of society in the 1930's and '40's. "San Quentin" is their take on the drudgery of the prison system and how one man hopes to bring self respect to that class of inmates that wants to go straight.

I don't know how accurate the set up for the film might be. Army Officer Steve Jamieson (Pat O'Brien) is on leave from the Army for a special assignment as Yard Captain at San Quentin State Prison. He's replacing the interim boss Lt. Druggin (Barton MacLane), who's manner is the typical caricature one envisions of a tough prison guard. Druggin stews over his demotion as Jamieson tries to balance toughness with compassion, giving the prisoners a break when it's deserved.

The thorn in Jamieson's side will be Joe "Red" Kennedy (Humphrey Bogart), a petty criminal who winds up in the big house after his last job. Complicating matters is Joe's sister Mae (Ann Sheridan), who's budding romance with Jamieson winds up distorting the perception of the other inmates, who feel Joe is receiving special treatment. Taking advantage of the situation is convict Sailor Boy Hanson (Joe Sawyer), arriving at San Quentin with Joe at the same time. When Hanson plans his breakout, he wants Joe by his side, having earned Hanson's respect when the two got into a tussle some time earlier.

The blustery Druggin sees an opportunity to take Jamieson down a peg when he's tipped off about the breakout by another convict. Assigning Hanson to an outside yard detail allows Sailor Boy to plan an escape with the help of his girl friend (Veda Ann Borg). Things go badly though, as Hanson grabs Druggin hostage during the escape, and both lose their lives in unrelated mishaps. A passing train offers Joe a handy getaway, and he high tails it back to Mae's place to seek refuge. Too late Joe realizes that maybe Jamieson was on the level; forcing his way back to San Quentin with a bullet in his gut, Bogey gets to crack wise one last time, but it comes out a bit corny - "Tell the cons to play ball with him, he's swell."

The trio of Humphrey Bogart, Pat O'Brien and Ann Sheridan would wind up making three films together. Their first was 1937's "The Great O'Malley", followed by "San Quentin", winding up together again in the following year's "Angels With Dirty Faces", where they would take supporting roles to James Cagney and the Dead End Kids. The first two don't seem to be commercially available, so you'll have to catch them in a venue like Turner Classic Movies or seek them through private collectors. Though not their best efforts, the films are worth seeing for their portrayals of life in a bygone era, when life was simpler but just as complicated at the same time.
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