Review of Members Only

The Sopranos: Members Only (2006)
Season 6, Episode 1
One thing seemed out of place
14 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I thought the episode of the soldier who wanted out of the family brought up an interesting topic. But I didn't see the point of showing all that agony of his hanging himself. It was just gratuitous pain with no point. They could have shown his feet writhing around, and not for so long, and accomplished the same thing. It also didn't ring true. He was a pistolero. He would surely have shot himself. There remains the intriguing question of who is going to run things while Tony is laid up (shot in the liver, I think, not just the "rib cage")? Will Sil be able to hold it together, or will Christopher or Paulie make a grab for more power? Will Phil seize the day and launch an attack? If there is a running theme to this excellent series I think it is that Tony is a fundamentally evil influence and whatever he turns his hand to ultimately turns out badly. From the beginning I have predicted that in the last episode Tony is going to get whacked, and his last conscious thought is going to be about those ducks, a la the ending in "Citizen Kane." It is going to be interesting finding out.
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