Rainbow Six: Lockdown (2005 Video Game)
major catastophe
14 March 2006
What a disappointment, how could Ubisoft have got it so wrong. They had a winning formula with the Rainbow series that put it ahead of it's peers. The other Rainbows were interesting and tactical. This one however is a dud. Gone are the preset way-point selections and no longer can you switch teams. The result is a gung ho linear shootout clearing out room after room. Midway though I wondered "What was the point" The graphics are excellent, but the physics are rubbish, you can't jump or duck either. The beauty of the previous was that if the main person was killed you then became the next player and carried on, now if the you are killed it's game over.

UBISOFT,you've just killed the golden goose! I just hope that you haven't screwed up Splinter Cell "Double Agent"
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