Seinfeld: The Library (1991)
Season 3, Episode 5
The Library is a wonderful episode, that's so funny,Philip Baker Hall has a very memorable Seinfeld character as Bookman!
14 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
*plot*. The Public Library contacts Jerry about a book he took out, but never returned back in 1971. He faces the wrath of a cantankerous library cop, Lt. Bookman. While George relives his high school days.

The Library is a wonderful episode, that's so funny, Phillip Baker Hall has a very memorable Seinfeld character as Bookman!. George's high school scenes were very funny to watch, and the romance between Kramer and the librarian Marion (Ashley Gardner) was quite amusing as well, plus Jerry's stand ups were very funny (espiecally the opening one about the ventriloquist dummy), plus it's extremely well written by Larry Charles. Joshua White does a perfect job of directing, and the scenes with Phillip Baker Hall and Jerry are a hoot to watch, plus while Harris Shore did a great job as Mr. Lippman he is no Richard Fancy!. The ending is very funny, and Ashley Gardner(Marion) is awesome as Marion, plus Biff Yeager was just great as the gym teacher turned homeless man Heyman. It's wonderfully made, and while Julia didn't have much to do in this one, she was still amazing, plus the story is fantastic!. The Library is a wonderful episode, that's so funny, Phillip Baker Hall has a very memorable Seinfeld character as Bookman, and I say go see it now if you haven't!. ***** out of 5

Favorite quotes.

(Jerry talking about Marion). Jerry: This woman is completely ignoring me. Kramer: Look at her, this is a lonely woman looking for companionship, a spinster maybe?, a virgin, maybe she got hurt a long time ago, she's a schoolgirl, there was a boy, it didn't work out, so now she needs a little tenderness, she needs a little understanding, needs a little Kramer. Jerry: Then She'll need a little shot of penicillin.

Marion: This case has been turned over to our investigations officer Mr. Bookman. Karmer: Bookman?, the library investigator's name is Bookman?, come on. Marion: It's true. Kramer; That's amazing, that's like an ice cream man named cone.

George: Listen just because, I got the guy fired, Doesen't mean I turned him into a bum, does it?. Elaine: What did he do?. George: He purposely mispronounced my name, instead of saying Costanza, He'd say can't stand ya, can't stand ya.

Bookman: Well let me give you a hint Junior, maybe we can live without libraries, people like you and me maybe, sure were too old to change the world, but what about that kid sitting down, with a book right now and finding drawings of Pee-Pees and Wee-Wees, in a branch at the local library.

Elaine: Boys are sick. Jerry: Well what do girls do?. Elaine: We just tease someone, till they develop an eating disorder.

(Ending) Heyman: Can't stand ya (laughing), Can't stand ya.
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