Judy, we love you
12 March 2006
One of the all time B movie greats of the 1980's. With a disturbingly young cast and bizarre queer subtexts this is a must for anyone into camp/cult films. Not to mention a great ending and some creative death scenes. Judy as the main bad girl truly makes this film for me,and her demise is tragic, a fate so terrible that the filmmakers don't have the guts to show the aftermath. Yes, a curling iron to the crotch is never a pleasant experience R.I.P Judy, R.I.P. The plot really is secondary, a tragic boating accident leaves a newly orphaned Angela, who looks a lot like Sarah Silverman, with her aunt Martha and cousin Ricky, and off to camp the kids go, where bad things start to happen. This is from a time when horror was an odd creature, the film is clearly made for 12 year olds, much in the way that Deadly Friend was too, but contains fairly graphic, albeit silly, death scenes and strings of profanity designed to make the young ones giggle. If this were made today, no doubt it would be neutered, given a PG-13 rating, with bland yet classy production values, and a cast from One Tree Hill.
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