Nancy Drew (2002 TV Movie)
Bimbo Nancy?
11 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
As a fan of the Nancy Drew books, I was eager to watch this movie. However, while watching it I found that it was disloyal to the series. Nancy Drew in the books is smart, courageous and a role model. The Nancy Drew of this movie is arrogant and self-centred. Bess was portrayed as a Barbie dumb-blonde stereotype, but George's character seemed almost true to the books although she had hardly any lines. The new, heavily accented character 'Teeny' was introduced in this movie as an annoying character who I assume was meant to bring light relief, but instead brought annoying stereotypical Spanish phrases and her character lacked depth. Nancy Drew's smart-Aleck comments made her come across as conceited, she may have needed some to show her confidence, but showing off - especially in front of Detective Daly - was unnecessary. There were plot holes in this movie also, such as when Nancy is at Detective Daly's office and can tell where his father is just by looking at the photos on his desk, yet she can only tell he is left handed when he begins to write, although he has been wearing a gun holster across his shoulders the whole time which clearly shows he is a lefty. This Nancy Drew movie, although fresh and probably popular with other teenage movie watchers, was nothing compared to the great stories of the books, which were complex and did not dumb themselves down to what movie makers think the kids of today want. We deserve better than that.
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