One of the stupidest movies I have ever seen
10 March 2006
I give this movie one star because IMDb won't let me select zero stars.

This movie is obviously marketed toward children. As such, it should have humor appropriate for kids. This has some slapstick, but the BAs, swearing and semi-swearing, double etendres, and innuendo have no place in it. If my kids were street-wise prostitute punks, they would get the jokes. But my kids are good kids, and the humor went over their heads. However, if you want to take your kids to a movie where the main character actually talks about cutting off a cat's balls (yes, in that same language), then this is for you. If you want to see the Cat in the Hat have a pseudo erection at looking at a centerfold spread of the kids' mom, then this is for you.

Terrible dialog, terrible lead acting by Mike Myers, terrible script, EXTREMELY bland camera work (the whole thing could have been filmed on a tripod), color and scene design that was good in theory, but in practice just doesn't work... it just goes on and on.

It's just beyond me how something like this can get green-lit. I've watched straight-to-video Land Before Time movies with better pacing, acting, and humor.

And I only registered on IMDb for this review, to help draw down the absurd 3-star rating this film got to some lower number. Just doing my part for justice in this world.
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