Better PRAY this is not happening...
7 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"The Constant Gardener", kept me riveted throughout. This fictional thriller, based on John LeCarre's novel, could easily have been taken from real life.

Rachel Weisz is the wife of a British diplomat (Ralph Fiennes) stationed in Kenya. While the diplomat keeps himself busy with the mundane government functions, his humanitarian wife uncovers a conspiracy of global proportions.

When she threatens to blow the whistle on a large international drug firm for unethical practices on the Africans, she is assassinated by corporation thugs. Ultimately, the diplomat pieces together the puzzle of her death, and must confront both Governmental and corporate collusion in this believable conspiracy.

Weisz and Fiennes are remarkable in this film, but kudos to John LeCarre for his story. The implications of biomedical experimentation carried out on a "disposable" population are IMMENSE, and should not be taken lightly!

Both Weisz and Fiennes portrayed very intense, but different characters. Under the direction by Fernando Meirelles, these characters not only made a major political statement, but an enormous "wake-up call" to the possibility of what COULD be happening in Africa right now. No wonder it is Oscar material!
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