Viva Baseball! (2005 TV Movie)
A baseball movie so good it brought tears to my eyes!
21 February 2006
I adored this film -- only happened on the last thirty minutes of it on Spike TV in September '05. What I wouldn't give to be able to see it again in its entirety! I guess I would have to travel to the Dominican Film Festival to see it. Will someone please put it on TV again, or release it commercially to theaters? I am a Spanish teacher, and each Spring I like to teach a lesson on the important contributions made by Latinos to the game of baseball. I have the book by Samuel Regalado of the same name, but would love to be able to have my students view this moving and beautiful cinematic tribute to the great players of Hispanic heritage. It really makes clear the tremendous determination and spirit these players exhibited to overcome the obstacles of prejudice, culture and language shock and achieve greatness.
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