Snakes and Twisters, one two many twists shakes us off the road
23 February 2006
despite only catching the film halfway through, the time when shannons already been conned, I was luckily able to catch up quickly and thankfully did because this turned out to be a better than average TV movie. Shannon doesn't bring her A game but does enough to keep us interested, I recall years ago reading a couple of bad reviews for two of her movies at the time and I think this might have been one of them which might have put me off a little before viewing this? Regardless because I think I might decide to watch another one of her films if they turn up on TV in the near future. Although the film doesn't cross the creepy line and we don't get to see any goodies of any such nature, shannon does look remarkably good. Wasn't a fan of her in 90210 (in kelly/jennies camp) or charmed (never seen it) but loved scare tactics. like the summary states, there was one too many twists leading to the climax and it did seemed force feed as you don't really see whats happening to who and remember who was crossed etc etc.
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