A Night Club for Fighters
22 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This Action-packed thriller somehow manages to join the rare club of Pure Action Hindi films, and this is one positive attribute about the film. Another plus point is allocation of almost equal and balanced screen time to each of the characters. Stunt sequences are brilliantly executed and are amply supported by good camera-work and editing. The problem? Choice of subject One suggestion-First half of the film should completely be chopped off. It should be a 90 minutes film starting from post-interval. Reason, well there is no purpose, direction or motivation in the first half in terms of narration. The reason for finding the fight club is illogical. The story for no apparent reason just shuffles between Mumbai and Delhi. Post interval the film changed from Fight Club to Night Club. Though story about gangsters trying to take over a club forcibly is nothing new but it is the brisk pace of the film that brings some relief. So what are those bombshells doing in the film. Well they pop out from nowhere to drop some "item-bombs" to make sure to a particular audience – look we are also in the team. Imagine one of them being a doctor by profession. Performances ?? Dino and Reitesh are finally getting better in expression Dept. Sohail Khan fitted the bill of a perfect fighter and nothing else. Both Zayed and Ashish should do something about their "put-on" irritating dialog style and mannerism otherwise it will be hard for them to continue in the scene. Ashmit Patel is the surprise packet as a real evil-headed. Our Bombshell? Are you really interested in knowing? Songs though are hummable but Music Director Pritam very conveniently used his tune "mummy ko nahi hai pata" from film chocolate (2005) in the song "you got to go fighter". Actor turned director Vikram Chopra should have chosen a better subject and concrete storyline for his debut film.
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