Review of The Notebook

The Notebook (2004)
not real
27 February 2006
In the first part of the movie Noah and Allie were very believable having had a few young loves of my own. Very good scene on the wheel when Noah is holding on to a brace with one hand scaring the be-gebers out of Allie forcing her to go out with him and she says about four times she would, he then says "alright alright I'll go out with you" like she was begging him. Funny, very funny. When Allie was forced to leave to go to school the movie kind of went into the tank. First of all didn't Allie ever get the mail? Then we go to the nursing home where Noah reads to her most days and she can remember all of it. How can that be? She does'nt remember her kids but remembers A story being read to her? Then she gets her memory back for a few minutes and they are dancing. She then forgets Again and looks at Noah like he was Satan. Why? He reads to her every day and she does'nt go bonkers when they meet. One good laugh, many tears fall. They then die together. What do they do, strangle each other? Too many holes in this baby to be a top notch movie. To see it or not to see, flip a coin.
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