Worldly Film, a must miss film!
17 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
"Don't Touch If You Ain't Prayed" truer words haven't been spoken, that is exactly what I should have done before I picked up this movie at the video store, its 105 minutes of my life I'm not going to get back! OK where do I begin? For starters, this movie has the worst acting I've ever seen, it was painful to watch, the message of the movie was horrible as well, the title of the movie has the word prayed in it, and the main character and everyone else in this movie did not prayed even once through out the whole film, if she would have prayed she would have found out he was married with a child, which brings me to my next topic. Adultery, her "love" interest is married and on top of that his job is drug related, I mean the bad stuff. The main character is so hard up for a man that she is willing to accept someone who has put away his wife in order to marry her, if she were a true Christian as she claims through out the movie she would keep looking for the right man. God would not allow something like this to happen to someone he loves. This movie sends mixed messages, about Christianity, which isn't the right message at all. If you see this movie in the video store, go on to the next selection, it's not worth your money.
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