An uncomfortable mess of a 'backstage special'...
15 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The presenter claimed that she would 'get the scoop' on The Gilmore Girls and help fans of the show find out the inside story. All this 'backstage special' did was make me (a devoted Gilmore Girls fan) physically cringe at the presenters sickly sweet way of trying to make it sound like she actually knew anything about the show and, by the end, become extremely bored as each actor were asked the same questions. Through the presenter's manner it came across that she had only quickly watched the pilot episode 2 minutes before meeting the cast and knew little of the plot of the show past that point. Furthermore, she had an odd way of complementing the cast which was obviously awkward for both her and the actors involved. She even went as far as describing Scott Patterson as 'the hottie of the show'!

The questions asked were vague and clearly not thought through. The answers the actors would give were blindingly obvious and showed just how uncomfortable they were about being there. There were some points of interest raised such as issues relating to the complicated relationship between the three generations of the Gilmore women, but apart from that, little of 'the inside scoop' fans really wanted to hear was discussed.

This backstage special is worth watching is you are a new fan to the show and don't know much about it, but if you are a long-time fan then you should stay well away from this uncomfortable mess which really just states the obvious!

** 2/10
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