Play for Today: Blue Remembered Hills (1979)
Season 9, Episode 14
A truly fabulous masterpiece
24 February 2006
I very recently played the part of Donald for an assessed GSCE performance of Blue Remembered Hills, and buying the DVD version was a great help – not to mention getting an opportunity to see Helen Mirren (which is always a great pleasure).

Blue Remembered Hills – the title taken from A.E Houseman's epic poem 'The Shropshire Lad' is set on a summer afternoon, in the Forest of Dean during the second world war – 1943. For the first 60 minutes we passively observe the true nature of what children are like alone – and away from adult supervision. With evidence from each child's background, that interweaves in how they behave and treat one another, before leading to a horrible and terrifying conclusion …

Helen Mirren is, as always, beautiful and despite being 34 – at the time of its film, could pass about 19. Her acting is of course 100% on top form. As is the versatile Janine Duvitski – who also stars as Mirren's on-screen best friend, Audrey. Colin Jeavons is also brilliant as the disturbed Donald and gave me a lot of inspiration towards playing the part. These three, are amongst the seven cast members who all cleverly bring children to life.

Dennis Potter was probably the 20th century version of Shakespeare. I give him a lot of credit and I'm satisfied that such a talented and profound playwright can be from Britain. RIP. I haven't seen 'The Singing Detective', which I've heard is another of Dennis Potter's acclaimed pieces, so those who have seen that – I strongly suggest you watch this. There's no singing or dancing, but a well analysed script, fantastic acting and a profound moral. I know its frequently aired on BBC Three – so keep checking but I recommend you purchase it off for a reasonable price.

An excellent TV Play.
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